Releases 2.11.11 & 2.10.25

๐Ÿ“ฆ Main features

Health-checks feature

We’re introducing in this release a new screen in Elasticsuite > System > Healthcheck where are re-located some previous admin system notification messages: invalid configuration for shards and replicas, notifications about ghost indices, etc.
For the time being, it is restricted to some of the basic technical health checks but it will grow from there to include more tracker related or functional health checks.

A decoration mechanism in the admin menu helps you know immediately how many checks are currently failing.

๐Ÿ’Ž Introducing advanced analysis module and word decompounding for germanic languages

We’re introducing a new Elasticsuite Premium module/package smile/module-elasticsuite-advanced-analysis that brings with it support for Hyphenation Word Decompounding which will be useful for germanic languages in order to avoid having to create many synonyms rules between words in their compound and separated forms.

It has been tested for German and Dutch successfully but in a limited scope and it will require on your end to do some fine tuning and provide and deploy data files on your OpenSearch / Elasticsearch cluster.

This mechanism relies on new settings available at the store scope in Elasticsuite > Analyzers Settings > Hyphenation Words decompounder configuration and requires essentially two things

  • a XML file containing your language hyphenation patterns (how a word processor is allowed to break your language compound words when it needs to justify text)
  • a dictionary that will act has a white list of words allowed to be generated by this hyphenation mechanism: this can be provided directly in admin as a list of words, or as a flat text file to be deployed on your cluster

When enabled, the word decompounder is injected into the text analyzers standard, standard_edge_ngram, shingle before (or after depending in your configuration) the stemmer.

Due to licensing consideration, we cannot provide you directly with adequate data files to configuration the word decompounder, but they are available online

Decompounding the Dutch word “klauwverzorging” and “afrasteringspalen”

Decompounding the German word “Kaffeetassenwรคrmer”

๐Ÿ“ฆ Features

  • ๐Ÿ’Ž [AdvancedAnalysis] Module initialization.
  • [Analytics] Add Analytics filters configuration
  • [Core] Add the Healthcheck Page
  • [Core] Add Estonian stemmer
  • [Core] Adding fine-tuning options for the autocompletion
  • [Indices] Add detection for closed indices
  • [Indices] Add number of primary shards and replicas in the Indices grid
  • [Tracker] Allow ignoring bots generated tracker hits
  • [Tracker] Change the default tracker strategy to REST/API mode
  • [Catalog][Tracker] Allow to track the redirected search terms

๐Ÿ’ป Technical

  • [Analytics] i18n for new filters related settings
  • ๐Ÿ’Ž [CascadeSearch] Update cascade search UX
  • [CatalogLayer] Added default attribute label
  • [CatalogSearch] Forcefull add mview trigger removed in 2.4.6
  • [Core] ProductMetadata/ComposerInformation rework
  • [Core] Adding noop token filters around stemmer
  • [Core] add column type in db_schema.xml, required from magento 2.4.8-beta1
  • [Core] Ensure Opensearch 2.4.0 will not be used until they fix memory issue
  • [Healthchecks] tweaks and i18n
  • [Healtchecks] Composer version mismatch check (for OS and ESP packages)
  • [Healthchecks] Hyva compatibility modules check
  • [Healthchecks] Add AbstractCheck class and code refactoring
  • [Healthchecks] Replaced success/warning by passed/failed
  • [HealthChecks] Add search engine config check
  • [HealthChecks] Admin nav. menu decoration by number of warnings
  • ๐Ÿ’Ž [Healthchecks] Composer mismatch packages declaration
  • ๐Ÿ’Ž [Healthchecks] Hyva compatibility modules check (esp side)
  • ๐Ÿ’Ž [InstantSearch] Ensure Instant Search is using the new settings and objects
  • ๐Ÿ’Ž [InstantSearch] Handle total lack of indexed price structure
  • ๐Ÿ’Ž [NeuralSearch] Ensure Neural search remains compatible with Opensearch client >=2.4.0
  • ๐Ÿ’Ž [NeuralSearch] Do not add knn fields into optimizer percolator index
  • [Tracker] Adding additional Facebook bots
  • [Tools] CI/CD phpstan require with –no-update

๐Ÿ› Fixes

  • [Admin] Do not apply the currentcategory filter in admin.
  • [Analytics] Date picker vs switchers (store, customer group, company)
  • [Analytics] Ignore filtered search pages for avg result count
  • [Analytics] Ignore non-first page for avg. count/0 result pages
  • ๐Ÿ’Ž [ConfigurableProduct] Avoid GraphQL exceptions when no configurable products
  • [Core] Fixing namespace in some unit tests
  • ๐Ÿ’Ž [FacetRecommender] Fixing display onย allย standard page layouts
  • ๐Ÿ’Ž [GA] Fix result count type
  • ๐Ÿ’Ž [NeuralSearch] Fixing module dependencies
  • [PageBuilder] Apply a negation to the category_ids condition
  • [Tracker] Fixes loss of X-Magento-Vary cookie
  • [Tracker] Fix tracker data when redirecting
  • [Tracker] Ensure sessionData is always an array