
eCommerce search + merchandising

An intuitive and efficient shopping experience

ElasticSuite Premium Edition brings carefully crafted features that will turbo charge their searches and bring light on carefully merchandised products.

eCommerce merchandising and SEO

Smart Virtual categories let merchants launch commercial operations by creating categories based on rules. These rules let you use product data or metadata as well as contextual information like the time of year or even coming from other parts of your business like your OMS for instance.

When a rule is created, products are displayed in front-office in real time. No asynchronous indexing or cronjob is required and the rule is fully automatic and processed on-the-fly so you are free to focus on something more important.

Here are some examples of Smart Virtual Categories you could easily create:

  • Discount: all discounted products
  • News products
  • Good deals: products with prices < X $
  • Products with high stocks
  • Products about to be sold out

Blazing fast
autocompletion box

Users don’t want to wait when they are interacting with your search bar. With Elastic Suite Premium edition, we ship a lightning fast auto completion box that will start suggesting products to your customers within milliseconds so that you can offer to them the most perfect experience of browsing as possible.

Make star products shine,
get others out of the light

With ElasticSuite, merchants are able to preview each search query or category in the Back-Office and choose to pin a product at the top for this query search results. In some cases, merchants may also want to blacklist or bury a search result from a query.

Promote any product

You may want to promote a single product or a set of products from your catalog and have them rank high in search results. With a feature we call ranking cocktails, merchants have the power to promote any products they want.

These are only a few examples. In fact, literally any existing product attribute can be used. But more than that, behavioral data can also be used, allowing you to boost popular products !

To conclude, use ranking cocktails to put forward products you want to boost ! For instance, you can create boosts on :

  • New products
  • Discounted products
  • In stock products
  • Products of a given brand
  • A list of “hero” SKUs
  • Popular products (most viewed/sold)

Smart recommendations for a personalized shopping experience

Above all other features, what makes e-commerce web sites more attractive to customers compared to retail shopping is undoubtedly its capacity to accurately recommend products. Cross-sell and Up-sell are indeed business critical and impact the average cart amount.

We have built an automated recommendation engine in ElasticSuite Premium Version to automatically compute related products, up-sell and cross-sell products, but also propose personalized recommendations to customers.

Based on users behaviors such as product search, view and sales history, our algorithm weights its recommendation thanks to the customer’s current personal history.

A/B Test and deploy the most efficient merchandising rules.

Being a merchandiser is not an easy job. At first sight it might be difficult to find out which products you should promote or not. What if you could experiment with two different boost strategies ?

Elastic Suite Premium Version offers you to do this by creating an A/B testing campaign directly in the Back-Office, let it run for some time, and compare the conversion rate of both boosts to keep only the one that is best performing :

  • Create your A/B test campaign directly on your Ecommerce solution back-office
  • Set the parameters according to the desired strategy :
    • When the scenario will take place
    • Who is concerned
    • What are the boost or bury parameters (products, search terms, value, etc.)
    • Follow the results and KPIs directly on your back office : views, conversion, conversion rate…

ElasticSuite : the most transparent Ecommerce search engine

This feature is probably one of our favorites. When dealing with various boosts, you may quickly get overwhelmed by different competing boost strategies and have yourself wondering: “why is this product appearing in this search result?” or “why is this product in first position here?”.

Simulate and check any end-user action

For a given search term or a category, you can find all the details on the search algorithm that was made by the engine :

  • Synonyms,
  • Boosts or buries
  • Terms relevancy
  • Manual merchandising
  • and much more

Built for merchandisers and developers

As a merchant, you’ll check the final result of merchandising actions combo. You can handle on your thesaurus, boosts, buries, and indexed products content.

As a developer, you’ll check on the console all the data available and configuration that explains the results : attributes indexing parameters, optimisers combo etc.

Best variant product

Your eshop benefits from intelligence based on commercial performance.

Let the engine choose which variant of your configurable product is the best to display by default.

Smart facets

ElasticSuite is able to display stock-based and price-based facets.

Let your customers easily find which products are immediately available or discounted !